capture elder snow wolf - striketeam needed
Have you heard the news about our villages competition? Huh, you haven't? That's weird, it's a very famous competition held only once in a decade. The objective is to show your true skills as a respected beastmaster. I'm now asking your help in my quest of becoming one.
I'm trying to capture an elder wolf from spearhead peak. There are lots of bad mobs around there, and it seems to be very difficult. I've managed to beat some of the mobs with henchies, but haven't gotten far enough to find and capture one. Sometimes the dwarves have been helping me, but they refuse to go any further since they don't like the smell of hu-mans.
I really need help of an experienced striketeam to help me capture one. If you want a reward in gold, certain items, whatever it is, name your price.
Other problem capturing an elder wolf is that they are easily enchanted by the dudes of stone summit.
I can't be much of help to the striketeam myself, since i wear pre-sear armour and use mostly my running and evading skills. Part of the challenge is that you need to protect me, and keep me alive while i am charming the beast to become my loyal friend.
Interested taking up the challenge?
Reward: 500 Experience.
Items requested by you.
Help me get that wolf, it's my only hope of becoming a respected beastmaster in my village!